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Toute les publications en date du jflecours

  1. Milky Way Viewed From the International Space Station NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman captured this image from the International Space Station and posted it to social media on Sept. 28, 2014, writing, "The Milky Way steals the show from Sahara sands that make the Earth glow orange." Aboard the space station, the six-person Expedition 41 crew is currently preparing for two spacewalks set for Oct. 7 and 15. During the first six-and-a-half-hour spacewalk, slated to begin on Oct. 7 around 8:10 a.m. EDT, Wiseman and European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst will transfer a previously uninstalled pump module from its temporary stowage location to the External Stowage Platform-2. The two spacewalkers also will install the Mobile Transporter Relay Assembly that adds the capability to provide “keep-alive” power to the system that moves the station’s robotic arm between worksites. NASA astronaut Barry Wilmore will join Wiseman for the second Expedition 41 spacewalk on Oct. 15. Image Credit: NASA/Reid Wiseman
  2. Té fou. Et un peu crinké!
  3. "Menoche aime ceci"... My God...
  4. 3 ans d'expérience sur FJR, 1ère moto. 0 expérience hors route. Fera probablement MXPro l'an prochain. Veut faire du chemin de gravel dans les Appalaches près de Victo. Éventuellement, TLH ou autre grande ride du genre.
  5. jflecours

    Conseils F800Gs

    Mon beau-frère est en train de comprendre le bon sens. Il vient de vendre sa FJ1300. Il se cherche une F800GS, c'est le model qui l'allume, dans l'usagée. Des conseils? Une à vendre?
  6. Expedition 41 Crew Launches to the International Space Station The Soyuz TMA-14M rocket is launched with Expedition 41 Soyuz Commander Alexander Samokutyaev of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) Flight Engineer Elena Serova of Roscosmos, and Flight Engineer Barry Wilmore of NASA, Friday, Sept. 26, 2014 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Samokutyaev, Serova, and Wilmore will spend the next five and a half months aboard the International Space Station. Serova will become the fourth Russian woman to fly in space and the first Russian woman to live and work on the station. Image Credit: NASA/Joel Kowsky
  7. jflecours

    Pelican Chinoise

    Merci pour le "heads-up". Avec la mousse en plus, c'est vraiment pas cher.
  8. J'aime l'idée mais bolté par dessus le rubber, ça fait un peu pic pic.
  9. Starry Sky from the Space Station ISS041-E-009477 (13 Sept. 2014) --- One of the Expedition 41 crew members aboard the Earth-orbiting International Space Station on Sept. 13, 2014 captured this image of a starry sky. The white panel at left belonging to the ATV-5 spacecraft, which is docked with the orbital outpost, obstructs the view of Scorpius. The red star Antares is directly to the left of the bottom of the second ATV panel from the top. The two stars that are close together and on the lower left of the photo comprise Shaula, the tip of the scorpion’s tail. The open cluster close to Shaula is M7. A solar panel belonging to Russia's service module or Zvezda runs along the right side of the bottom of the frame. Image Credit: NASA
  10. L'eau bout à plus basse température en altitude. Voilà pourquoi. Incident médical: Attention à la nourriture déshydratée parce que parfois, suivre les recommandations de cuisson, sur l'emballage, n'est pas suffisant. En effet, en mangeant un riz, genre à la mexicaine, il semblerait que le temps de cuisson ne fut pas suffisant. J'ai donc essayé d'écraser les grains de riz, pas assez cuits, avec mes molaires. Le résultats fut que je me suis retrouvée avec 1/4 de dent... dans ma main. Je fus chanceuse dans ma malchance puisque la douleur ne fut pas trop intense et que j'ai pu me rendre au lundi matin pour faire réparer le tout. Nous étions samedi et à pas moins de 100 miles du dentiste le plus proche.
  11. Me semble que c'est pas les même calls que quand je jouais à Collin McCrae... En tout cas, ça va vite une Opel! Une photo de l'extérieur...
  12. Faut également ajouter la location des motos j'imagine... JF, on y va?
  13. The Cassini spacecraft captures a rare family photo of three of Saturn's moons that couldn't be more different from each other! As the largest of the three, Tethys (image center) is round and has a variety of terrains across its surface. Meanwhile, Hyperion (to the upper-left of Tethys) is the "wild one" with a chaotic spin and Prometheus (lower-left) is a tiny moon that busies itself sculpting the F ring. To learn more about the surface of Tethys (660 miles, or 1,062 kilometers across), see PIA17164. More on the chaotic spin of Hyperion (168 miles, or 270 kilometers across) can be found at PIA07683. And discover more about the role of Prometheus (53 miles, or 86 kilometers across) in shaping the F ring in PIA12786. This view looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from about 1 degree above the ringplane. The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on July 14, 2014. The view was acquired at a distance of approximately 1.2 million miles (1.9 million kilometers) from Tethys and at a Sun-Tethys-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 22 degrees. Image scale is 7 miles (11 kilometers) per pixel. The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo. For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission visit http://www.nasa.gov/cassini and http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov . The Cassini imaging team homepage is at http://ciclops.org . Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
  14. Merci. Je vais chercher ça lundi pm.
  15. Vraiment intéressant. Ils décrivent bien la route mais la cartographie est un peu sommaire je trouve.
  16. Merci de nous faire rêver et voyager
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