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Toute les publications en date du jflecours

  1. Un (S) à la place du (L) et il était vendu...
  2. Sérieux Onip, ça va faire... Je me sens comme si j'avais mangé trop de suc'à crème!
  3. Onip est en feu! Le vert armé pour moi, siouplait!
  4. Europa's Stunning Surface The puzzling, fascinating surface of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa looms large in this newly-reprocessed color view, made from images taken by NASA's Galileo spacecraft in the late 1990s. This is the color view of Europa from Galileo that shows the largest portion of the moon's surface at the highest resolution. The view was previously released as a mosaic with lower resolution and strongly enhanced color (see PIA02590). To create this new version, the images were assembled into a realistic color view of the surface that approximates how Europa would appear to the human eye. The scene shows the stunning diversity of Europa’s surface geology. Long, linear cracks and ridges crisscross the surface, interrupted by regions of disrupted terrain where the surface ice crust has been broken up and re-frozen into new patterns. Color variations across the surface are associated with differences in geologic feature type and location. For example, areas that appear blue or white contain relatively pure water ice, while reddish and brownish areas include non-ice components in higher concentrations. The polar regions, visible at the left and right of this view, are noticeably bluer than the more equatorial latitudes, which look more white. This color variation is thought to be due to differences in ice grain size in the two locations. Images taken through near-infrared, green and violet filters have been combined to produce this view. The images have been corrected for light scattered outside of the image, to provide a color correction that is calibrated by wavelength. Gaps in the images have been filled with simulated color based on the color of nearby surface areas with similar terrain types. This global color view consists of images acquired by the Galileo Solid-State Imaging (SSI) experiment on the spacecraft's first and fourteenth orbits through the Jupiter system, in 1995 and 1998, respectively. Image scale is 2 miles (1.6 kilometers) per pixel. North on Europa is at right. The Galileo mission was managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, for the agency's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. Additional information about Galileo and its discoveries is available on the Galileo mission home page at http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/galileo/. More information about Europa is available at http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/europa. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SETI Institute
  5. Expedition 42 Launches to the International Space Station The Soyuz TMA-15M rocket launches from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Monday, Nov. 24, 2014 as seen in this long exposure carrying Expedition 42 Soyuz Commander Anton Shkaplerov of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos), Flight Engineer Terry Virts of NASA, and Flight Engineer Samantha Cristoforetti of the European Space Agency (ESA) into orbit to begin their five and a half month mission on the International Space Station. Image Credit: NASA/Aubrey Gemignani
  6. J'embarque aussi! Je marche déjà 4 km par jour en moyenne. J'ai la chance d'avoir cette magnifique vue tous les jours... https://goo.gl/maps/ynEaK
  7. jflecours

    Ktm 950 2006

    Nic, c'est un beau bécick c'est sûr... Mais vois ça comme ça: on va garder nos montures de pauvres, faire la swisha loop l'été prochain ensemble, pis il va nous rester de l'argent pour prendre une bière après!
  8. Expedition 42 Soyuz Rocket Rolls Out The Soyuz TMA-15M spacecraft is rolled out to the launch pad by train on Friday, Nov. 21, 2014 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Launch of the Soyuz rocket is scheduled for Nov. 24 and will carry Expedition 42 Soyuz Commander Anton Shkaplerov of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos), Flight Engineer Terry Virts of NASA , and Flight Engineer Samantha Cristoforetti of the European Space Agency into orbit to begin their five and a half month mission on the International Space Station. Image Credit: NASA/Aubrey Gemignani
  9. C'est l'âge d'or de l'industrie auto américaine, rien de moins. (tu vas faire peur aux jeunes...)
  10. T'as le modèle exact? Ça pourrait m'intéresser
  11. J'aurais jamais cru lire ça... (pris légèrement hors contexte... )
  12. Mixing Paints Nature is an artist, and this time she seems to have let her paints swirl together a bit. What the viewer might perceive to be Saturn's surface is really just the tops of its uppermost cloud layers. Everything we see is the result of fluid dynamics. Astronomers study Saturn's cloud dynamics in part to test and improve our understanding of fluid flows. Hopefully, what we learn will be useful for understanding our own atmosphere and that of other planetary bodies. This view looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from about 25 degrees above the ringplane. The image was taken in red light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Aug. 23, 2014. The view was acquired at a distance of approximately 1.1 million miles (1.8 million kilometers) from Saturn and at a Sun-Saturn-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 127 degrees. Image scale is 7 miles (11 kilometers) per pixel. The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo. For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission visit http://www.nasa.gov/cassini and http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov . The Cassini imaging team homepage is at http://ciclops.org . Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
  13. Don aimerais la position de ses bras...
  14. Nick Mason non plus n'est pas à pleindre... [media] [/media] [media] [/media]
  15. jflecours

    2014 11 09 09 58 23

    De cet album: ZuluVictor

  16. jflecours

    Pneu Trail

    Lis comme il faut, ce sont les Maxxis qui sont non DOT. Je seconde le Desert mentionné plus haut. TRÈS satisfait sur mon KLR
  17. Oui, le power est très impressionnant mais n'importe quel tata au volant de ce bolide pourrait faire la même chose. C'est ce qui rend les vidéo de moto dans ce genre de dune si intéressant...
  18. Ça fait 2 petits pavés dans la mare ça...
  19. Je me risque... Pis si c'est pas ça, y'aura au moins une belle photo dans ce thread de m*rde...
  20. jflecours

    Suzuki Gs400L 1981

    19-17 19-16 installé sur le bike
  21. Je croyais être dans votre secte, je me sens complètement trahi!!!!! Je me tournerai vers la Gaspésie, nah!!!
  22. Merci bytor de nous faire filer encore plus cheap de pas être Abitibien...
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